Fysic develops electronic products with its own twist. Unnecessary features are being left out, so a user-friendly product remains. The products are easy to use.
Nedis has been a leading player in the consumer electronics market for over 40 years. We offer our partners a diverse and profitable range of electronics-related solutions for their customers.
The TELESTAR brand has been around since 1993. The core range consists of high-quality receivers for all forms of digital TV reception and associated reception technology. In addition, various audio products are also available.
In addition to digital receivers and reception technology, the IMPERIAL brand primarily focuses on a versatile range of radios (multifunctional radios, DAB+, FM, or Internet radio receivers) and lifestyle products from the audio industry, such as Bluetooth speakers and boom boxes, as well as accessories for digital hi-fi audio transmission.
Founded in 2004, Revo is a pioneer in digital radio and audio streaming. Driven by functionality and quality, Revo products combine the highest design standards with the latest digital audio technology, each designed to leave a lasting impression.